1 | Formulation And Standardisation Of Functional Flaxseed Soymilk-Shake | Kalaiarasi R, Kalamani R* |  |  10.26479/2024.1003.01
 | Department of Food Processing Technology & Management,
Hindusthan College of Arts & Science, Coimbatore 641028, India.
2 | Pterygium Protein Involvement: S100a8 And S100a9 Inhibitors | Claudiu N Lungu*, Mirela Lungu*, Felicia Mihailua, Maria Andrada Hincu,
Doina Carina Voinescu
|  |  10.26479/2024.1003.02
 | 1. Department of Functional and Morphological Science, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Dunarea de Jos University, 800010 Galati, Romania.
2. Department of Pediatric and Orthopaedic Surgery, Clinical Country Children Emergency Hospital, Galati, 800010, Romania.
3. University Titu Maiorescu, Faculty of Medine, Bucure?t 031593, Romania.
4. Clinical Medical Department, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, "Dun?rea de Jos"
University of Galati, Romania. |
3 | Pterygium And Related Proteins | Mirela Lungu, Claudiu N Lungu*, Felicia Mihailuta, Maria Andrada Hincu, Alin Lauren?iu Tatu |  |  10.26479/2024.1003.03
 | 1. Department of Pediatric and Orthopaedic Surgery, Clinical Country Children Emergency Hospital, 800010 Galati, Romania.
2. Department of Functional and Morphological Science, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Dunarea de Jos University, 800010 Galati, Romania.
3. University Titu Maiorescu, Faculty of Medine, Bucuresti 031593, Romania.
4 | Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) Upregulation: MicroRNAS (miRNAs) | Mirela Lungu, Claudiu N. Lungu*, Felicia Mihailuta, Maria Andrada Hincu |  |  10.26479/2024.1003.04
 | 1. Department of Pediatric and Orthopaedic Surgery, Clinical Country Children Emergency Hospital, Galati, 800010, Romania.
2. Department of Functional and Morphological Science, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Dunarea de Jos University, 800010 Galati, Romania.
3.University Titu Maiorescu, Faculty of Medine, Bucure?ti 031593, Romania. |